Carle, Emmanuelle
Emmanuelle Carle has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of History since 2006. She holds a Bachelor degree in History (Specialization) from Concordia University, as well as a Masters from Université de Montréal and a PhD in History from McGill University. With a FCAR scholarship and a Travel Grant, she moved to Paris to research Gabrielle Duchene (1870-1954), French feminist activist, unionist, pacifist, antifascist, fellow traveller of the French Communist Party and an innovator as a propagandist. Duchêne symbolizes the ideological congruence of these movements. She has published her findings in French History and in the Archives du Féminisme (Université d’Angers).
Emmanuelle Carle has taught at McGill (First World War, Modern European History), UQAM (Histoire des Femmes au 19e et 20e siècles) and at Concordia (Intro and Modern European History and History of France since 1871). At JAC, she teaches Western Civilization and Modern History, but has also taught History of Science and Methodology in the Liberal Arts Department, Learning Techniques (Pathways), Research Methods and Integration to the Social Sciences.